Code of Behaviour

This Code of Behaviour has been compiled by our Macaoimh following group discussions and has been "signed-off" and agreed by each member.

74th Frankfield-Grange Macaoimh

Code of Behaviour

This Code of Behaviour has been compiled by our Macaoimh following group discussions and has been "signed-off" and agreed by each member. 


1.       Everyone is to be treated the same.

2.      No shouting or use of bad language.

3.      No violence, verbal or physical, will be tolerated.

4.      Respect the leaders at all times.

5.      Help and listen to the leaders.

6.      Full uniform to be worn.

7.      Respect the property, equipment and the countryside.

8.      Care for the environment.

9.      Bullying will not be tolerated.

10.   Act safely at all times.

11.    Do not interfere with games if you are out – wait at the side until asked to rejoin.

12.   No eating during the meetings unless the food is provided by the scout group.

13.   Sixer’s / Seconder’s take a lead in the organisation and order of each Clan.

14.   Try your best at all times.

15.   Help each other – work as a team.

16.   Discrimination of any type will not be tolerated.

17.   Line up and stand in your Clan’s when asked to do so.

© 74th Cork 2014